Serial Commands for Fusion 4000


  • Displays a list of available commands
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Movement Commands
[x] start [y]   -Pump [x] [y](0 Basic/1 Program) Run
[x] stop        -Pump Stop
[x] pause       -Pump Pause
start [y]       -All Pump [y](0 Basic/1 Program) Run
stop            -All Pump Stop
pause           -All Pump Pause
restart         -Pump Restart

Setting Commands

[x] set units [xxx]           -Pump [x] Set Units
[x] set diameter [x.x]        -Pump [x] Set Diameter
[x] set rate [x.x]            -Pump [x] Set Rate
[x] set volume [x.x]          -Pump [x] Set Volume (+infuse,-withdraws)
[x] set delay [xxx]           -Pump [x] Set Delay
[x] set time [x.x,x.x,…]      -Pump [x] Set Time (will calculate rate)

Status Commands

[x] read limit parameter [y]  -Pump [x] Return Max/Min Volume & Rate
[x] dispensed volume          -Pump [x] Return Volume Dispensed
[x] elapsed time              -Pump [x] Return Time Elapsed
[x] pump status               -Pump [x] Return System Status

Additional Optional Command

[x] hexw2 [units] [mode] [diameter] [volume] [rate] [delay] – Send All Settings
[x] hexw2 [units] [mode] [diameter] [volume] [rate] [delay] start – Send All Settings and Starts


  • [x] = 1, 2, or 3
    • When [x] = 1, that controls Pump Channel 1
    • When [x] = 2, that controls Pump Channel 2
    • When [x] = 3, that controls Pump Channel 1, 2 Cycle Mode
  • [y] = 0 or 1
    • When [y] = 0, that sets the pump in Basic Mode
    • When [y] = 1, that sets the pump in Programmable/Multi-Step Mode


    • Starts the pump with the currently set parameters. The parameters that will run depend upon which mode (Basic Mode or Multi-Step Mode) the pump touchscreen is showing
Pump start running…


Pauses the current pump run. The run can be resumed from this point using the start command.

Pump pause!


  • Ends the current run. The run cannot be resumed and can only be restarted from the beginning.

Pump stop!

set diameter value

  • Sets the inner diameter (ID) of the syringe in millimeters. This setting simultaneously affects the syringe ID used in both Basic Mode and Multi-Step Mode settings, which will also affect the volume and rate parameters in both modes. value can be an integer or decimal (up to three decimal places) within the parameter limits for the specific pump (e.g., 0.103 mm to 40.000 mm for the Fusion series). This returns the set diameter. If the diameter in the response is not the same as the diameter in the command, then the command diameter was not set. This is probably due to the value being beyond the limit of the specific pump.

diameter = 4.5

set units value

  • Sets the units used for the rate of infusion/withdrawal. This parameter also sets the units for the transfer volume, where the transfer volume unit will be the same as the unit of volume used in the rate. For example if you set the units to mL/hr then the transfer volume is set to mL. If you set the units to μL/min then the transfer volume is set to μL. This setting simultaneously changes the units used in both Basic Mode and Multi-Step Mode settings. value is a number between 0 to 3 that take the values shown below.

    • 0: mL/min

    • 1: mL/hr

    • 2: μL/min  

    • 3: μL/hr

  • This command returns the set unit. If the unit in the response is not the same as the units in the command, then the command unit was not set. This is probably because the value was a non-integer or out of the 0 to 3 range.

units = 1

  • Unit set value is higher than 3. Notice the unit was not set to 5.

units = 1

set volume value1, value2, …

  • Set the transfer volume. The pump will run until the volume infused or withdrawn equals this volume(s). This command also sets whether the pump will infuse or withdraw (Supported models only) and the number of steps used in Multi-Step Mode. valueN must be an integer or decimal (up to five decimal places) within the volume limits for the syringe (See read limit parameter command).

  • A negative sign can be added in front of any volume value to indicate a switch to withdrawal mode (Supported models only). For Basic Mode, only one value is required. Entering only one value will automatically switch the pump to Basic Mode.

    • The units of valueN are set through the units command (see above). The units will be the volume portion of the units. For example, if you set the units to μL/min then the volume units will be μL. If you set the volume to mL/hr then the volume units will be mL.

  • The response to this command is the set volume. So if you set the volume correctly then the response volume should be the same as the volume in the command. If these two values are  not the same then volume , you wanted to set was not set. This is probably due to the command volume being outside the volume limits of the syringe. To check the limits of the syringe send the read limit parameter (see below).

  • Example: 1 set volume 2.0 loop 1, -1.0 loop 2
    • Pump 1 is set to loop in Programmable Mode
    • First step volume: infuse 2.0, loop once
    • Second step volume: withdraw 1.0, loop twice

Basic Mode

volume = 1

Multi-Step Mode

volume = 0.1, -0.1, 0.2

Basic Mode – Out of Range

  • The max volume is less than 1. So it could not set the volume that high.

volume = 0.00047
rate = 0.00047
time = 1.00

Multi-Step Mode – Out of Range

volume = 1,-1

set time value1, value2, …

  • Sets the target time for a pump run. This will adjust the transfer rate so that the run will last for the input time. The target volume will remain the same.

  • This command also sets the number of steps used in Multi-Step Mode. valueN must be an integer or decimal (up to five decimal places). The resulting transfer rate must be within the rate limits for the syringe (See read limit parameter command). For Basic Mode, only one value is required. Entering only one value will automatically switch the pump to Basic Mode.

  • The response to this command is the time that was set. If the time leads to a rate that is out of the range for the syringe pump than the pump returns the set time and the rate as seen in the example below.

Basic Mode

time = 1.1
rate = 0.90909

Multi-Step Mode

time = 21
rate = 0.04762, 0.08197, 0.4918

Multi-Step Mode – Out of Range

time = 1.1
rate = 0.00043

set rate value1, value2, …

  • Sets the transfer rate for infusion/withdrawal. valueN must be an integer or decimal (up to five decimal places) within the rate limits for the syringe (see read limit parameter command). For Basic Mode, only one value is required.

  • The response returns the set flow rate and time to complete infusing or withdrawing the volume. If the rate is beyond the limits then the rate given in the response will be different than the set rate as seen in the second example below. In multi-step mode the time is not returned.

Basic Mode

rate = 1.5

Set value higher than max limit. Notice rate was not adjusted.

rate = 1.5

Set value is negative. The absolute value of the rate is taken and set on older Chemyx units.

rate = -1

Multi-Step Mode

rate = 1.2, 0.5

set delay value1, value2, …

  • Sets the start time delay (in minutes) prior to each step of a pump run. Upon starting a step with a delay, the pump will wait until the delay time elapses before starting to transfer volume. valueN must be an integer or decimal (up to five decimal places) within the rate limits for the syringe (see read limit parameter command). For Basic Mode, only one value is required. Entering only one value will automatically switch the pump to Basic Mode.

  • The response contains the delay time for each step.

Basic Mode

delay = 2

Multi-Step Mode

delay = 2.5, 1.25

read limit parameter

  • Returns the min/max values that can be set for transfer volume and transfer rate. The returned values are dependent on the syringe inner diameter (ID). The transfer volume limits are typically greater than the maximum volume of the syringe being used. Returns: max rate, min rate, max volume, min volume. The volume units returned will be set by the set units command.
1.71307 0.00010 1.72474 0.00015

dispensed volume

  • Returns the transferred volume for the current run/step. If no run has started, returns the transferred volume for the last run/step.

dispensed volume = 0.00049

elapsed time

  • Returns the elapsed time (in minutes) for the current run/step. If no run has started, returns the elapsed time for the last run/step. Elapsed time does not include any delay time.

elapsed time = 0.51667



  • Returns the current status of the pump. The returned integer correlates to the status of the pump. Returns the integer that corresponds to the current status of the pump.

    • 0: Pump stopped

    • 1: Pump running

    • 2: Pump paused

    • 3: Pump delayed

    • 4: Pump stalled



  • Sets multiple parameters in one command (Basic Mode only).X variables in order:units: see set units command transfer mode: 0-infusion, 1-withdrawal syringe ID: see set diameter command transfer volume: see set volume command (no negative values)transfer rate: see set rate command start time delay: see set delay command The following example shows the command using these parameters: units = mL/min; transfer mode = withdrawal; diameter = 23.05 mm; volume = 1.2 mL; rate = 3.0 mL/in; delay = 30 sec (0.5 min).

  • A start command can be added after the six parameters to immediately start the run with the new parameters.

  • All six parameters do not need to be entered; however, all parameters up to the parameter(s) of interest must be also be included. The other parameters not entered will remain as they are currently set.

hexw2 0,1,23.05,1.2,3.0,0.5

hexw2 0,1,23.05,1.2,3.0,0.5,start

hexw2 0,1,23.05


  • Powers off and then automatically powers on the pump


Bad Syntax

When the pump does not recognize a command, it will return text similar to the following. Note that if the command is expecting a value for example set unit or set diameter and a value is not present it will return this response.

Bad command
Command not recognized-type in “help”
and press enter to see a command list.

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