Syringe Pumps in Research Labs & it’s Applications


  • What Exactly is a Syringe Pump?
  • Syringe Pump Types
  • What Kind of Applications Do Laboratory Syringe Pumps Have in Research Labs?


  • Syringe pumps are motorized liquid handling devices designed for gradually administering small amounts of fluid with precision and accuracy.
  • Syringe pumps are commonly used in research labs to accurately transfer liquid chemicals, solvents, and other fluids.
  • The pumps use a syringe for the fluid reservoir and are designed to gradually administer the desired amount of fluid with a precise flow rate.
  • Syringe pumps are versatile tools that scientists rely on for various applications such as microfluidic dosing, chemical discovery, industrial coatings, neurology, and biomedical engineering, among others.

Today, we’re diving into the world of liquid transfer in research science labs. You know how it goes – you’re knee-deep in your experiment, and you need to transfer those precious liquids and solvents accurately. Well, fear not because we’ve got a practical solution for you.

“Syringe pumps, also called syringe drivers, are motorized liquid handling devices designed for gradually administering small amounts of fluid with precision and accuracy.”

As you may know, syringes are trusty tools when working in research science labs. They’re the go-to method for transferring liquid chemicals, solvents, or other fluids in the lab. Sure, you can handle them manually, but sometimes you need that extra strength of accuracy and precision for your experiment. And that’s where instruments, like syringe pumps, step in to save the day.

Syringe pumps are the cornerstone of accurate fluid delivery. They’re commonly used in labs because they minimize errors and give you the flexibility you need for various applications. Plus, they allow you to control the flow rate for your experiment.

“Thanks to recent tech innovations and their growing popularity, we’ve got a whole market filled with high-performance syringe pumps.”

Now, let’s talk about the cool advancements in syringe pump technology. Here are some of the innovations in syringe pump technology:

  • Next-level accuracy.
  • Precision flow rate control.
  • Ultra-low volume liquid delivery.
  • Extended chemical compatibility.

It’s like having the perfect tool on your side when you need ultra-low volumes of dosing reagents with pinpoint accuracy. Due to their versatility, syringe pumps are used across a wide range of applications.

What Exactly is a Syringe Pump?

We are going to explain to you what a syringe pump is and the cool things these devices can do for you.

  • Syringe pumps, also called syringe drivers, are motorized liquid handling devices designed for gradually administering small amounts of fluid with precision and accuracy.
  • Despite their simple appearance, syringe pumps come with programming options that give you a whole range of possibilities.

“Syringe pumps allow you to set up complex infusion or withdrawal processes with ease and can include stepped functions, constant or ramped speed, trigger dispense, or periodic dispense.”

  • Syringe pumps feature a withdrawal option, allowing you to pull the liquid back into the syringe.
  • Syringe pumps allow you to set up complex infusion or withdrawal processes with ease and can include stepped functions, constant or ramped speed, trigger dispense, or periodic dispense.
  • Syringe pumps in labs use a syringe for the fluid reservoir, and consequently, choosing the right syringe for your applications is crucial.
  • Are you looking for the perfect syringe size for your syringe pump? If you want to dive deeper into finding the right syringe size for your laboratory syringe pump, hop on over to our Syringes Size Chart for Chemyx Syringe Pumps. That’ll help you make the perfect match between your pump and the ideal syringe size.

“If you thought dual syringe pumps were versatile, get this—some pumps can accommodate up to 11 syringes. So, whether you need just one syringe or a whole army of them, there’s a syringe pump out there to suit your needs.”

  • Are you looking to know more about the different types of syringes out there? We’ve got that checked off as well. Head over to our exciting article: Syringes in Scientific Research Labs: Choosing the Right Type of Syringe.

Syringe Pump Types

There are two types of syringe pumps:

  • Medical syringe pumps: They are mainly utilized in hospitals to deliver a regulated volume of liquid, like medicine or nutrients, to treat patients.
  • Laboratory syringe pumps: They are used in labs such as yours to deliver small quantities of fluids for research purposes. There are plenty of laboratory syringe pumps available in the market. Depending on your application, you can need a single syringe pump that does the trick for controlling only one syringe, but there’s a whole world of possibilities, such as dual syringe pumps. If you thought dual syringe pumps were versatile, get this—some pumps can accommodate up to 11 syringes. So, whether you need just one syringe or a whole army of them, there’s a syringe pump out there to suit your needs.

“Syringe pumps can be found in all sorts of scientific fields, making a real impact.”

Although medical syringe pumps are vital and a priority medical device in medicine, we’re here for the research stuff, right? So, get ready to explore the world of syringe pump applications in research labs. We’re about to dive into just a few of the many mind-blowing things these pumps can do.

What Kind of Applications Do Laboratory Syringe Pumps Have in Research Labs?

Syringe pumps can be found in all sorts of scientific fields, making a real impact. Let’s dive into the wide world of syringe pumps incredible applications in the world of science. Let’s look at the list of possibilities, but keep in mind that the list is practically endless.

  • Chemistry: Whether you’re into chemical synthesis or working with pressurized systems, syringe pumps have got your back. They come in handy for all sorts of applications in these fields, making your life easier when it comes to handling chemicals and getting those reactions just right.
  • Syringe pumps can be used to deliver multiple reagents simultaneously, making them a valuable tool in multi-step chemical synthesis.
  • Syringe pumps are also becoming the go-to choice in fields like microfluidics, flow chemistry (where reactions happen in continuously flowing fluids), and microreaction technology. Why? Well, because they can handle those tiny fluid flows in the nanoliter (nL) range. Accuracy and precision, even at low flow rates, are what they’re all about.

“Syringe pumps are tools that scientists rely on for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re exploring the function of the brain, delving into cell biology, working with chemicals, or rocking mass spectrometry, these pumps have got you covered.”

Neuroscience: Syringe pumps are also super handy and a necessary piece of laboratory equipment in neuroscience, the study of the nervous system. High-performance syringe pumps are frequently used to deliver small, accurate doses of chemicals or drugs to distinct brain regions. Delivering accurate volumes and flows is critical to maintaining a dosing regimen and interpreting pharmacokinetics and other data.

Cell biology: Next, let’s talk about cell biology. Picture this: you need to do some cellular microinjections of plasmids and viruses. Syringe pumps are your go-to tool for these delicate procedures. They give you the control and precision to work your magic.

Mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization: Oh, and let’s not forget about mass spectrometry calibration and electrospray ionization. When it comes to these techniques, precise volume delivery and pulse-free flow are absolute must-haves for optimum instrument calibration and solvent elimination. Syringe pumps are here to save the day, ensuring that everything flows smoothly and accurately.

Syringe pumps are tools that scientists rely on for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re exploring the function of the brain, delving into cell biology, working with chemicals, or rocking mass spectrometry, these pumps have got you covered.

If you want to know more about how a syringe pump works but don’t want to get lost in a sea of technical jargon, go ahead and satisfy your curiosity by reading our other articles about syringe pumps.

Contact Chemyx

Contact our support team about Chemyx Syringe Pump products & services. We have experienced engineers to help you choose the right syringe pump product for your application!