Application: Using Chemyx Nexus 3000 Syringe Pump By METAS & EMRP

3.4 Operation of Nexus 3000 Syringe Pump

The operation of the syringe pump is straightforward and self-explanatory. Nevertheless, the different steps are quickly described.

2. First install the syringe on the pump after the syringe is properly filled with water and connected to the facility.

2. On the front panel, choose “Basic” (1 syringe) and press “Enter”

3. Set the syringe diameter (mm), the volume to be dispensed (ml) and the flow rate (ml/min). The operation direction is «Infusion».

4. Fill the syringe and bring the plunger of the syringe pump into position. Use the buttons F1 «Fast Forward», F2 «Forward», F3 «Reverse» and F4 «Fast Reserve». Play with the buttons prior of mounting any syringe as the direction is reversed due to the way we use the syringe pump. Otherwise in the worst case, you might break a syringe.

5. If the syringe is ready to be used, press «Start». You will get the following information displayed.

6. To stop the delivery you can press «Stop» or if the delivery is finished press «Stop» to enter the setup menu.

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